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Pentest stories : internal
Pentest stories This series of articles makes you follow Jean, an imaginary pentester, in his missions of intrusion tests. Clients and exploit stories are just as imaginary, but correspond to reality and are based on the experiences of DSecBypass experts. It aims to...
Pentest stories: the website
Pentest stories This series of articles makes you follow Jean, an imaginary pentester, in his missions of intrusion tests. Clients and exploit stories are just as imaginary, but correspond to reality and are based on the experiences of DSecBypass experts. It aims to...
Pentest stories : external
Pentest stories This series of articles makes you follow Jean, an imaginary pentester, in his missions of intrusion tests. Clients and exploit stories are just as imaginary, but correspond to reality and are based on the experiences of DSecBypass experts. It aims to...